Just like our typical Kenyan leaders the CUC leaders promised us heaven which they are yet or better still may not deliver. I presume as they started receiving their paychecks they forgot their promises and instead they found a way to invest their money hoping they will be the next "Babu Owino".
Kenyans needs enterprising young Kenyans and so I commend this people in trying to make their lives better. Kenyan does not need a crop of leaders who do not deliver on their promises.
While I value Rosemary Wairimu's wish to sensitize students about overloading of taxes in Ndagani,I find the matter trivial compared to real issues affecting students. The leaders should direct their energies to more worthy causes.
Joyce Mukami the student welfare director is in a deep slumber, otherwise how can she not see the mess in the mess. I will commend her for the acquisition of the plastic cups in the mess(pun intended). We expect with the rising numbers of students in the institution the catering department should acquire more cutlery instead it is inadequately equipped. This is the reason for flourishing hotel business around the university.
I believe many will agree that Richard Kamau aka Kamaa's score against the other leaders will be impressive. Unlike other leaders Kamaa's visible and approachable. Last year Kamaa was able to apprehend some suspects believed to have stealing from students. He has been able to curb crime a feat that has never been achieved by any former non residents representative.
Gideon Osamong's request to have a piece of shamba given to the student's council is now but we are not yet to see sukuma wiki going at two bob. The piece of shamba at the airstrip is green. Hopefully next Mr Sukuma will clarify about the price of Sukuma.